The following resources provide information on what is happening in Illinois regarding carpet recycling as well as other industry resources.

CRWG Resource Highlight: The Carpet Recycling Toolkit
This new resource assists local governments in successfully providing carpet recycling programs throughout the state. Recycling options for carpet and carpet padding are growing nationally and globally as new uses are found for the fibers. The following guide was designed to act as a toolkit for developing a program in your community. 

This toolkit lays out a variety of program models including one-day collection events, permanent drop-off sites, curbside collection and retail take-back that you may opt to implement. It also contains complimentary resource materials such as education and outreach materials, program impact and data tracking suggestions, and best practice case studies for programs currently operating in Illinois.  

Download the 
Carpet Recycling Toolkit - Zip File of Resources

Illinois Carpet Recycling Working Group (CRWG)

Carpet America Recovery Effort (CARE)

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Local Government Efforts

Carpet Industry Information


Contact SWANA-IL

SWANA Land of Lincoln Chapter
2037 P.O. Box 2037
Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60138
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